GRAEBERT – Trinity of CAD, is creating a market disruption in .dwg editing and adding cloud to access your drawing from anywhere.
In a typical manufacturing environment, 2D drawing has all the Product Manufacturing Information (PMI) which is released and controlled by the design department. Now due to dynamics of operations and improve on time to market we require 2d drawing within a collaborative ecosystem.
Graebert ARES – COMMANDER: Create and Modify DWG Drawings Anywhere, on Any Device.
Graebert’s product portfolio is anchored by the ARES® “Trinity” of CAD Software for DWG-editing including ARES Commander™ for Windows®, macOS® and Linux® computers, ARES Touch™ for Android® and iOS® smartphones and tablets and ARES Kudo™, a full browser-based solution for DWG-editing in the Cloud. Graebert’s innovative approach is to combine these 3 solutions into a single ecosystem and subscription.
ARES Kudo is web based application which allows you to access, create and modify DWG files stored in popular cloud storage services such as Google Drive®, Box®, Dropbox® and OneDrive®